Wow. I wish I were done with the germs. I am officially on day 8 of this cold/sinus infection thing. I think I am going to break down and see if I should start up an Antibiotic. I hate doing so, but the boogies are no longer a good color. Yuck! Sorry TMI. I am officially done with the stomach flu now! Yippey! I had that Monday and Tuesday. Missed work on Tuesday, but I feel great today. I just have tons of sinus pressure and I am even thinking I feel a little chest heaviness-- please not in the lungs! Argg! Anyway, enough whining.
We are possible going to Kearney today. I have a few plans on my purchases today. I would love a browse through Hobby Lobby. I haven't gotten much there for a while now. I also Have a few books I am planning to purchase. The girls at work have STRONGLY recommended the Twilight series. I think I might delve into them myself. I am not a vampire fan, but I have heard so much good stuff, I might check it out.
Last few nights I have actually felt the baby's body; like the lump was on one side of my abdomen than the other. Way neat! Ryan and I are narrowing down the names. We have 4 for girls and 6 full names pick out for boys! Huge improvement! I feel much better!
I don't really have much else to share right now. Have a great day! Stay warm!!!
5 ways to save on food on vacation
4 months ago
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